Hotel Sengokubara COCON:-Enjoy the rich nature in our exclusive 5 suites


An extraordinary space created by full renovation
where the beauty of the garden coexists with unique modernity.

The Sengokubara area is dotted with studios and art galleries, creating an artistic atmosphere. Our hotel places a special emphasis on interior design, not only in the guest rooms but also at the entrance and in the restaurant. These interior designs, along with unique para-art installations throughout the hotel, results in creating distinctive ambiance that pleases the eye. In our expansive property, there are miniature bamboo and herb gardens that showcase unique expressions each season. Additionally, there is a yard for our mascot goats, always ready to welcome guests. After relaxing in our variety of baths, guests can unwind by exploring the premises, taking a forest walk in the surrounding area, or enjoy shopping at the shop filled with original products.

Floor Guide

Main gate and entrance / First floor
Parking, gardens, goat yard
First floor
Lobby and lounge, shop, restaurant
Second floor
3 Suites, Second entrance and parking, public baths (Onsen and Herbal)
Third floor
2 Suites

*Please be aware that our hotel does not have an elevator.

Hotel Art

We are business partners with Suminasu inc. ( in Saga prefecture, which supports the independence of individuals with disabilities through art. Most of the artwork displayed within our hotel is created by artists of Suminasu inc. You can purchase the artwork and furniture in the hotel; please inquire with the concierge for details.